My name is David. I am an author, motorcycle enthusiast, and security architect.

I’m currently gearing up for the journey of a lifetime.

Motorcycle Enthusiast

Every twist of the throttle sends a surge of excitement through my veins. The rumble of the engine resonates with my spirit, igniting a sense of freedom and adventure. From the sleek design to the raw power beneath me, every ride becomes an exhilarating journey. I am captivated by the beauty of the open road. There is an indescribable joy in navigating the curves, feeling the rhythm of the road, and experiencing the world in a way only a motorcycle can offer.

Security Architect

Being a Cybersecurity Architect is a challenging yet rewarding role. As an architect, you are responsible for designing and implementing robust security solutions to protect an organization's digital assets. This involves staying up to date with the latest threats, technologies, and best practices in the cybersecurity field. A Cybersecurity Architect plays a crucial role in defending against cyber-attacks and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization's systems and data.


Being an author is an exhilarating and challenging experience. It requires a deep understanding of complex subjects, the ability to break them down into understandable concepts, and the skill to convey them coherently to a diverse audience. The constant research and learning needed to stay up-to-date with ever-evolving technologies can be demanding, but it also offers the opportunity for personal growth and development. Collaborating with publishers, editors, and other experts in the field adds depth and credibility to the content.

This site will house posts about many different things. These include journeys on my motorcycle, journeys in my career, and journeys in life. The common theme will be “Riding Secure”. Let’s see how that theme develops and the content that follows!

You will find me out and about on my motorcycle when I am not doing other things.